Oregon does good and doubles down on renewables

energy, US, state issue, campaigns, wins

If you’ve been following the news in the fight against big coal recently, you may have heard that the U.S. state of Oregon just had a HUGE win – a** new law that will see the end of polluting coal power generation in the state and a double down on clean, renewable energy.

The Oregon Clean Electricity and Coal Transition Bill will regulate Oregon off coal-fired generation and double its renewable energy generation to 50% under the Renewable Portfolio Standard. It will also set Oregon’s electricity sector on the path to meeting the state’s greenhouse gas reduction goals, which call for a reduction of carbon emissions 75% below 1990 levels by 2050.

The win for Oregon should give everyone in the fight against climate change a reason to cheer. However, according to Renew Oregon’s digital director Dina Le Roux, it’s not the end of Oregon’s rapid acceleration to clean energy:

“We need to do more and we need to act faster than ever before. Transitioning off coal is only one (albeit great!) piece of a larger puzzle. This win is our fuel to move us closer to a clean energy economy, but we must go further and be bold in the fight for clean air.”

Renew Oregon, backed by Do Gooder’s email politician action tool, worked with a coalition of 165 organizations with interests as diverse as business, labor, faith, health, agriculture, technology and the environment, engaged Oregonians to think about a few, simple benefits that a clean energy economy would bring to the state: local jobs, healthy communities, leading the nation in renewable technologies and innovation, and kickstarting a state-by-state movement towards a clean energy future.

Says Le Roux: ”We raised awareness, engaged the public, gathered volunteers and built political strength. Last but not least, it was every single individual who took a few minutes to send those emails to their legislators, folks who called their lawmakers. It’s the people who came to Salem to raise their voice in front of the Capitol asking for clean air and climate protection… It’s a combination of all the small and big actions that put together, created a powerful force for change”.

“Thank you for creating this tool. It surely played a great role in passing this bill.”

Do Gooder’s tools provided an essential digital component to the larger campaign, making democracy more accessible to those it is supposed to represent. Targeting state representatives via our rapid response tools saved Renew Oregon time and money and meant that politicians heard from more than just fossil fuel lobbyists.

2,007 emails were rapidly sent to key Congressional influencers in the Senate and House of Representatives, making it clear where the people stand on having a liveable planet for future generations.

Congratulations to Renew Oregon and the climate movement!

Which state is next? Why not yours?! Start your own campaign