The Reef threatened by web contact forms!

environment, Australia, campaigns, tools

Politicians are feeling the heat from community campaigns and are increasingly replacing public email addresses with complex and intimidating web contact forms. While common practise in the US (Congress) for years this strategy has started to infiltrate other countries including Australia where the PM and NSW Ministers (along with a select few conservative politicians) are now applying the tactic.

These contact forms drastically reduce the ability of community campaigns to engage citizens in communicating with their elected representatives.  The good news for campaigners is Do Gooder now auto-fills contact forms from within our campaign websites & embedded actions.

Here’s how the Australian PM prefers you to contact him …


And here’s how it looks using Do Gooder …


Besides the clear star power of the Angry Turtle, these forms have other tangible benefits:

  • Give supporters all the campaign info & emotive imagery needed to tip them into taking action
  • Provide email tips for personal but relevant emails
  • Easy to use on any device
  • Own your data and build your list for ongoing activation.

All of this adds up to more engagement, more actions, and better outcomes.

Check out ACF’s latest reef campaign urging Australian PM Turnbull to consider the voting public’s opinion when deciding whether to destroy the Great Barrier Reef with taxpayer dollars. ACF asks supporters to write their own **personal emails (which pack way more punch than form letters) and over 1,000 have done so already. **

Even Angry Turtle would be happy with that!

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