Do Gooders of the week: 'Exit'

UK, campaigns


Fans at a recent right-wing extremist rock festival in Germany thought they were getting free T-shirts that reflected their nationalistic neo-Nazi views.

But after the garment’s first wash the original image rinsed away to reveal a hidden message from an activist group ’Exit’ – our do gooders of the week.

Click on the image above to see before and after images.

The 250 T-shirts, which featured a skull-and-crossbones logo and the message “Hardcore Rebels – National and Free,” were given away for free and were quickly snapped up.

However, once the rockers washed their new shirts, they were presented with an entirely different message: “If your T-shirt can do it, so can you. We’ll help to free you from right-wing extremism.”

The offer, complete with contact information, came from a group called Exit Deutschland, which helps people get out of the neo-Nazi scene. Read more..