Do Gooder of the week: Alex Bogusky

US, economic justice, campaigns

Alex’s Thoughts on COMMON from COMMON on Vimeo.

Alex Bogusky is a designer, author and marketer who left his role as an advertising executive at Crispin Porter + Bogusky to become an “insurgent in the new consumer revolution”. He believes that ’fear is the mortal enemy of creativity’ and has since been experimenting with approaches to the ambitious goal of changing capitalism. One of these experiments is Common. In this video Alex gives his thoughts.

Common ‘was inspired by the hope that entrepreneurs could over time begin to change capitalism and some of the things that maybe are not working about capitalism and business. The theory being that the more attempts to pilot and prototype different kinds of businesses the more opportunity there is for success and innovation.’
‘You can make a great living and you can have a positive impact.. that’s success’

Common Pitch was held last Friday which is ‘about social entrepreneurs and what they’re doing and we want to share that with people’
There was celebrity judges, beer, online voting, a concert, support for entrants in the form of mentorship and prizes.
He was inspired to create this project because the pitching opportunity exists within the tech space, but it doens’t exist so much on the social side of things.

“We looked at the financial viability of these ideas but we didn’t discard things that were financially viable, but weren’t going to make a billion dollars. That’s ok within the world of Common Pitch”.

Online voting is now open here if you want to take part!